Area of Concentration: Science Education


Research Line: Scientific Knowledge and Science Education Diversity Spaces


Evidence-Based Learning / Problems in Science Teaching: Continuing Education of Teachers in the Amazon from the Animal Shape, Function and Lifestyle Vacation Courses

Coordinator: João Manoel da Silva Malheiro

Start date: 05/27/2013

Funding: Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - (Social Demand Program)


Science Club Learning: Experiencing Science through Light Phenomena

Coordinator: João Manoel da Silva Malheiro

Start date: 01/01/2016

Funding: Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - (Social Demand Program)


Education, Science and Sustainability in the Amazon

Coordinator: Nadia Magalhães da Silva Freitas

Start date: 01/01/2010

Funding: Fund. Coord. Higher Education Personnel Improvement Program - (Social Demand Program); National Council Of Scientific and Technological Development - (Gm Master’s scholarship)


Training of teachers who teach Science and Mathematics: ideas, knowledge and processes - Ed. Sciences area

Coordinator: Terezinha Valim Oliver Gonçalves

Start date: 01/01/2009

Funding: Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Social Demand Program)


New Generation of Computer Interfaces - Intelligent Tutorials and Highly Interactive Visual and Analytical Exploration Tools - for a New Generation of Textbooks

Coordinator: Danilo Teixeira Alves

Start date: 01/01/2012



Mathematical, Scientific, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge Expressed by Teachers Teaching in the Early Years of Elementary School in the Legal Amazon - CNPq Universal Notice

Coordinator: Terezinha Valim Oliver Gonçalves

Start date: 01/01/2012

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - (GM Masters Scholarship)


Research Line: Culture and Subjectivity in Science Education


Autobiography, Art and Cinema in Teacher Education - CNPq Universal Notice

Coordinator: Silvia Nogueira Chaves

Start date: 01/01/2012

Funding: Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - (Social Demand Program)


Subjective Aspects of Teaching and Learning Sciences in Different Educational Contexts

Coordinator: José Moysés Alves

Start date: 01/01/2015



Tenetehara astronomy: pluralizing truths about the sky

Coordinator: Ivania dos Santos Neves

Start date: 01/01/2013



Cartography of Production in History of Mathematics in Brazil: a study centered on dissertations and theses defended between 1990-2010

Coordinator: Carlos Aldemir Farias da Silva

Start date: 01/01/2011



Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations: the state of the art

Coordinator: Wilma de Nazaré Baía Coelho

Start date: 05/08/2015
