Science Club
The Institute of Mathematical and Scientific Education (IEMCI / UFPA), to which PPGECM is linked, has as one of its extension projects the Science Club (CCIUFPA). With over 30 years of existence, CCIUFPA counts on the participation of students from various undergraduate courses of the institution, in addition to the Program's masters who contribute to the scientific initiation actions carried out by the project for children and adolescents, enrolled in elementary school and high school in public schools. The Club is also a learning space for students who work as teacher-trainees, who have the possibility to try new methods for teaching science in basic education. Thus, the work of CCIUFPA seeks to put into practice a methodology different from that used in the classroom, in the transmission of content related to Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics. As a research space, the activities developed by the Club have been the object of investigation in theses and dissertations of students of graduate programs. Also noteworthy is the organization of courses and lectures promoted in an articulated manner between research groups from PPGECM and CCIUFPA.